Contact Us

The Kazmerski Lab welcomes pre- and post-doctoral scholars, medical or surgical residents, and fellows interested in our work. Contact Dr. Kazmerski if you are interested in mentorship.

Collaborators: Do you think any of the Kazmerski Lab interventions or research could be applicable to your work or patient population? We love working with others who seek to improve the comprehensive care of people with pediatric-onset chronic disease. Please reach out if interested!

Community Partners: We love connecting with community partners, both individually and from non-profit organizations. We seek to partner with community members on all of our research from project conceptualization to dissemination of results.  We would love to hear from you if you are interested in connecting.


Reach out to us at to find out more about our work and opportunities for collaboration, or message us using the form below!

You can also reach Dr. Kazmerski at

The Kazmerski Lab at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Boston, MA, 2024